Run a validator node
Run a node on the Ronin mainnet:
📄️ Run a validator
Run a validator node on the Ronin mainnet.
📄️ Run a validator and bridge operator together
Run a mainnet validator and bridge operator on one machine using Docker.
📄️ Run a non-validator node
Install a mainnet non-validator node using Docker.
📄️ Run an archive node
Install a mainnet archive node using Docker.
Run a node on the Saigon testnet:
📄️ Run a validator and bridge operator together
Run a testnet validator and bridge operator on one machine using Docker.
📄️ Run a non-validator node
Install a testnet non-validator node using Docker.
📄️ Run an archive node
Install a testnet archive node using Docker.
Register as a validator
Take the steps to set up your validator account:
📄️ Register as a validator
Register as a Validator Candidate.
Manage your account
📄️ Add or change finality vote key
Add a fast finality vote key to your profile.
📄️ Change commission rate
Set a different commission rate.
📄️ Claim rewards
Claim staking rewards.
📄️ Increase or move stake
Increase or withdraw your self-stake of RON.
📄️ Renounce your role
Renounce your validator role.
📄️ Schedule maintenance period
Schedule a maintenance period for your validator node.
📄️ Take emergency exit
Request an emergency exit if your node is compromised.
📄️ View activity
View your activity on Ronin.
📄️ View analytics
View your performance analytics.
📄️ View profile
View your linked addresses and profile details.
Slashing rules for validators
📄️ Slashing rules
List of slashing rules that apply to validators and instructions for bailing out of jail.
📄️ Create a proposal
Create a proposal for a change in the network as a validator.
📄️ Vote on a proposal
Vote on proposals submitted by other governors.
📄️ Validator FAQ
List of frequently asked questions for validators.